Your dull expression, bored to the end of your toes 

Please look at me now 

Put your phone down, don’t even think about turning away 

Let me know your type 

You can choose me, yeah 

Oh I cover your eyes with my hand 

Oh come closer to the secret 

I’ll take you to a whole new world 

Yeah open your closed eyes now go! 

Mix the colours in your palette, pick your filter 

Which me do you want 

I’m your filter that will change your world 

Put me over your heart 

(OK) How is it, is it looking better? Is it still not enough? 

(Yes) Girl you have your chance 

I can be your Genie  

How ‘bout Aladdin? 

I can become anything for you 

You can choose me yeah 

Oh I’ll wrap myself around you like in your dream 

Oh it’s a secret feature* 

I will be new for you everyday 

'Cause it’s boring to have the same thing everyday, right?...
